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In order to keep your Hair Extensions in the best condition possible, follow the Do's and Dont's of Hair Extensions. It is always recommended to have a refit/maintenance appointment within 6-10 weeks maximum to ensure the longevity of the hair extensions. Regular cuts/trims will also help keep the hair extensions healthy, which is included at each refit.


All Aftercare products you'll need to keep your Hair Extensions tangle free and long lasting

Shampoo 250ml (SLS & SLES Sulphate Free, Sodium Chloride Free, Paraben Free) - £10

Conditioner 250ml - £10

Heat Protector Spray 250ml - £13

Argan Oil 30ml - £12

Leave in Conditioner Spray - £10

Shine Spray - £12

Protein Spray - £12

Hair Extension Mask - £13

Dry Shampoo £9

All above products are safe to use on Hair Extensions and natural hair (without hair extensions)

To place an order or for any enquiries, please send a message through the link below.


-Use SLS and SLES FREE shampoo, Paraben free shampoo

-Brush minimum 2-3 times per day, making sure to comb through new regrowth to avoid matting

-Plait or put in low ponytail when sleeping

- Use conditioner regularly  (avoiding root area - only mid lengths to ends) 

-Use Argan Oil (mid lengths & ends) on wet or dry hair

-Use Heat Protector Spray (before any use of heat including blowdrying and styling tools) 

-Use Tangle Tamer Brush only

-Massage shampoo gently on roots, and make sure rinsed thoroughly (use clarifying/ cleaning shampoo when necessary to thoroughly clean scalp)

-Blowdry roots fully after washing


- Avoid swimming in Chlorine or long periods in water (where bonds are wet for long periods of time to avoid damage to bonds)

- Avoid use of Argan Oil,  suncreams and bronzers/ fake tan with sun exposure

-Do NOT condition roots whilst wearing your hair extensions

-Do NOT wear in extremely tight ponytail/ bun as this can cause pulling/tension on the scalp

-Do NOT use any other products than recommended products from hair extension technician

-Do NOT go to bed with wet hair

-Do NOT Bleach or lighten hair extensions

-Avoid washing more than necessary to keep bonds intact and hair healthy and long lasting

-Do NOT condition roots before new fitting of Hair Extensions or whilst hair extensions are in

-Avoid overuse of heating tools (Hair straightener, hair dryer, curlers etc.) as this can cause hair extensions to dry and break. Not recommended to use heat more than once to twice per week and recommended to turn temperature of heat tool to a minimum to avoid damage 


NOT recommended to leave hair extensions for any longer than 10 weeks before refitting as this can cause the extensions to matt or cause excess tension on scalp. If a refit is 12+ weeks, an additional cost will incur. 

Natural shedding will occur in this time when the refit takes place.

If matting present at time of refit/ maintenance appointment, an additional cost may be charged or you may be asked to remove hair extensions. 

The average person loses approximately 100 strands of hair per day. This will be combed out during a refit appointment which is known as the natural shedding process. If refit is left longer than the recommended timeframe, there may be additional hair loss.

Clients may lose up to 15% of their hair extensions, which is normal and can be kept aside and put back in during a refit/ maintenance appointment.

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